Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New blog

I now have a photo blog active at

It's got new photos of my new baby girl; and the rest of us get into shots occasionally as well.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Church at night

Church at night

Having a little fun with night photography. This shot is going to be printed in our church directory juxtaposed with a shot from the early days of Sumner First Christian Church, which this year celebrates its 150th anniversary. Click on the photo for a better look.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas 2007

blanket, originally uploaded by johnrite.

Can't believe we're already marking our second Christmas season for this little blog. The year sailed past without us doing much to keep this thing going. Mostly that's my fault, as Rochelle now has a blog of her own that she posts to regularly.

Ally continues to grow and thrive. She's blossoming into a fascinating and fun little girl. She loves spending time at the church; so much so that she sometimes throws a fit when it's time to leave, even when we've only been dropping in during the week when nobody's around.

Ally's new favorite activity is gymnastics, which seems a perfect outlet for our little dare devil. She's into her third session of Saturday morning classes, and is having a blast.

For me, 2007 could probably be best noted as the year that I got back into photography. I've spent countless hours on Flickr, sharing photos and comments with other fanatics across the globe. Come February, I'll be shooting niece Jill's wedding in Minneapolis. If all goes well, that may become a nice little sideline for me. Right now, though, I'm reading everything I can get my hands on concerning wedding photography, and practicing as much as I can. There will only be one chance to get this right, and I'm a little nervous.

The church still loves Rochelle and we're all very happy to be here. Check out Rochelle's blog ( for more of what's going on in her head.

rockin' around the christmas tree

Merry Christmas, everybody.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Over the Edge

over the edge
Originally uploaded by johnrite

Fall has arrived and the rain has started early. I snuck out on a dry morning to check out some of the fall colors and see if I could find Victor Falls, a great little gem not too far from the house. It's a rough climb down the side of a slippery slope to get to the bottom, but it was a great find. The great thing about it is that it's just a few hundred yards back from a busy road I've driven many, many times. Most people who didn't grow up here don't even know it's there. I'd love for you to view the rest of the set. Just click on the photo below.

against the stream
Originally uploaded by johnrite

Friday, September 14, 2007

At camp

Originally uploaded by johnrite

Although it wasn't originally in our plans, we ended up at church camp this summer when Rochelle stepped in at the last minute to rescue one that was in danger of being canceled when the director pulled out. This peaceful shot, taken on a quiet, foggy morning, belies the anarchy and noise that typically defined the place. But, all in all, it was a good experience.

I was on the periphery of the experience, because I had to work. So I'd zip into the IBM office in Olympia most days, and then hang around camp when I could. I was around enough to put together a photo show that I sent to the kids on DVD. I was really pleased with how it came out.

Follow this link to see an online version.

Monday, June 25, 2007



Peacock, originally uploaded by johnrite.

Here's another fun shot that's received a lot of attention on Flickr. Click on the photo if you want to read the many comments (nearly 100 at this point) and "awards" it's received. Mostly this is just a self-gratifying, ego thing (nobody has offered any money!), but Flickr is a fun way to indulge a photo hobby without annoying your friends and family too much. To see a big version with a black background click on "Peacock" above.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Rainier Ultralight

Rainier Ultralight
Originally uploaded by johnrite
Nothing much to say on this, other than I'm having fun with my new camera. I really like this shot of Rainier, especially since the guy in the ultralight aircraft was nice enough to come into the frame on cue.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Gone Camping

Alexandra got her first taste of camping last week when we spent a couple days at Kalaloch, an Olympics National Park campsite along the Pacific (click here to look at the photo gallery). Our beach explorations included poking around in some tide pools full of sea stars, anemones, mussels and other creatures that didn't seem to mind a little girl's curious touch. At Alexandra's insistence, Dad and daughter waded repeatedly into the numbingly cold water until our feet turned bright red.

We enjoyed camping together in our new garage-size tent, although it was a bit chilly at night. This trip also introduced babygirl to two other essentials of camping: s'mores and hot dogs cooked over a campfire.

Although she had a terrific time, two nights seemed to be her limit. We were congratulating ourselves as parents for the prescience not to have planned to stay through Memorial Day weekend.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

New Camera

Posted by Picasa
For my birthday, I splurged and spent some bonus money on a digital SLR camera (a Nikon D80). It feels so great to have a real camera in my hands again. Here are some shots from the second day I owned the camera. I love it! Soon there will be way too many photos of my daughter online. (Click anywhere on the collage if you want to see the individual shots or snag some prints.)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Spring Break 2007

Posted by Picasa
Easter break from day care meant Dad and daughter had some time to kill while Mommy was busy at the church all week. Our big week included the purchase and repeated trial of Alexandra's first bicycle, an afternoon at the zoo in Tacoma, a visit to the Space Needle in Seattle (Mommy took the afternoon off to join us on that one), and a bunch of playing around the house and neighborhood. We've got new pictures online to prove it. Click here or on the headline of this post to take a look.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Babygirl can ride

On a whim, I went out and bought a bicycle for Alexandra on Monday. I'd expected to have to coax her into riding up and down the sidewalk a little; but as you can see in this video I made online (click the picture to open it), she knew exactly what she was doing first time her feet hit the pedals. Watching her on this video, she seems much older than 2 1/2. (Note: The video doesn't start automatically, you need to click the little black triangle. And the smooth transitions that looked so good on the Jumpcut editor come out a bit jumpy on the finished product, but it's still a fun little site.)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Snow Day

Here's a link to some pictures we took when it snowed in early January. Alexandra's day care, which follows the schedule of the public school district, was closed for almost a week, so we had to figure out things to do to get us out of the house. This was one of them.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas 2006

Hello all, I hope this tool will help us keep in touch better. I feel really bad for having lost touch with folks near and dear to me. It has been a busy year for us. We moved to the Pacific NW in August of 2005. I am now the Pastor of First Christian Church in Sumner, WA. The new ministry post has been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my career. I seek and find the Lord's presence in what I'm doing here and it has been a truly wonderful experience. Little Alexandra is not so little anymore. She's 2 years and 5 months. She's wearing 2T clothes and speaking full sentences. She loves the Teletubbies which is only slightly troubling to me =). She is definitely developing independence and has her "moments" but mostly she is a great joy and a lovely child. I feel very blessed as a mother. We will be having my folks out for Christmas this year and we are definitely looking forward to it. They have not yet seen our new "old" house that we bought back in September. So yes...we moved in August 2005 and then again in September 2006. We love our 1941 craftsman-style home. It is not even a mile from church and in the heart of Sumner which a smallish town with a great sense of community. Last night we heard a fire truck siren going on and off somewhere nearby and a neighbor called to let us know that that was Santa coming down the street. So we took Alexandra out and there was one fire truck, a sled with Santa, two police cars and an ambulance. They were handing out candy canes and toys. It was quite a parade and Alexandra loved it.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Our Home

This is our cozy abode in Sumner, Wa. With a finished attic, walk-in basement and detached garage, we've suddenly got a lot more usable space than we've had before. Of course, with a house that's 60+ years old, there are always plenty of projects to keep us busy.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Big Blue

Since coming to town, I've been working for Vallent Corp., a small-but-global software company in Bellevue whose products are used by cellular providers to keep their networks working right. I'm the proposal manager... for the world. That means time zones and international datelines often make for unusual work hours and difficult deadlines. When two giant requests for proposals came out concurrently in Australia last month, I had to hop a plane on short notice to hole up down under in Sydney for a couple weeks. (And I didn't escape for even one afternoon of sightseeing!).

Life at Vallent is about to change in a big way -- a really big way. We announced in November that IBM is acquiring us into its Tivoli software group. I'll go from working at a company with fewer than 450 employees, where I am on a first-name basis with the CEO and most of the senior officers, to one with more than 350,000 employees and a CEO who will never know I exist.

But that's OK. These are exciting times for us. Vallent was a privately held company constantly looking for a suitable buyer or an opportunity to go public. IBM is a leader in the field and known for taking care of its employees. As I look into this vast corporation, I see nothing but opportunity and open doors. With any luck, they'll enable me to prosper in this corner of the country where I hope to make my home for many years to come.

The sale will be finalized sometime in the next couple of months once we get all the necessary regulatory approvals.